Copyright Infringment. It happened to me!

There are tons of people that work in Second Life. Some of them do pictures and some do other things.

I am one of them that do pictures. Within the past month one of the pictures I have edited completely minus the white background was taken and then edited again (adding a background).

Thinking I should be going "Oh thanks".. think again. If I would have been asked I would have thought it over.. but without asking me leads me to want it down and deleted ASAP.

To use this picture goes against United States Laws. Get the picture yet? No? Ok read on....

Folks that's Copyright Infringement. Look here:

"as of the copyright act of 1978, all artwork is automatically copyrighted to its created and you may use not only the "c" but the actual wording... date don't actually even have to assert that you own it, but its safer to...the assertion, with the date, is admissible in court as evidence of ownership..... as in "see here- on august 6th we posted a pic of our logo with our copyright" Copied the other day from a friend who worked for a copyright attorney.

I gave this person 24 hours to remove it. Stated to her last night.

This does not go with the previous conversation I had with her about removing it the first time a month ago when I noticed it. She agreed and removed it.. but its back up.

So the clock is ticking...... Think it will be removed AGAIN? Think I might have to bring LL into it? Think I might have to talk to my lawyer?

We shall see.

I know I am not the only one that despises people that do this kind of thing. There are plenty of groups and blogs about this. If it isn't removed I am willing to discuss this problem openly with others to share tactics, thoughts and how to handle it when it arises.

Its time to stop rude annoying unthoughtful idiotic thieves!! Don't you agree!!

EDIT::: Picture was not removed so complaint was filed with LL. Lets see if LL can get of their ass's and take control.

Fashion Shoot... Ya right!

Ok, so I have decided to try something different with my work.

I will stick with simple white Backgrounds for most of the pictures for AB (for now) but when it goes outside of AB I will be toying around with different aspects.

Here is a sample of what I have done so far.

Skin: RockBerry
Outfit: Armidi
Hair: Fri.Day
Shoes: J's Real Toe cross belt Sandals.

Models: 4Gotten Destiny (Me) and Night Fox.

Skin: Rockberry
Shorts: League
Shirt: Luck Inc
Hair: Fri.Day

Thats not all I have been working on. The next picture I got to use someone that has been close and dear to me for 4 years now. My very own Momma. It was my second go around with trying this out and it turned out pretty well. I will soon be posting more pictures like this.

Picture Titled: Looking Back

Model: Whispers M.

I have yet to open my own gallery and offer to do pictures for others outside my circle but its slowly coming to that as I build up my work. I have the space to do it and the know how its just I am a very lazy person most the time.

I will however offer to do pictures for any AB reader/poser for free as long as you allow me to use your pictures to build up my gallery. Fair trade I think?

That's all from me till RL settles down a tad. Work has been kicking my butt sadly.

But if you would like to pose and be profiled for AB.. Send me a Note Card in game with your name as the title and some test pictures of your avie inside the NC. Along with some information about you and how long you have been in SL. I will be more then happy to set up a shoot for you and get you posted.