Copyright Infringment. It happened to me!

There are tons of people that work in Second Life. Some of them do pictures and some do other things.

I am one of them that do pictures. Within the past month one of the pictures I have edited completely minus the white background was taken and then edited again (adding a background).

Thinking I should be going "Oh thanks".. think again. If I would have been asked I would have thought it over.. but without asking me leads me to want it down and deleted ASAP.

To use this picture goes against United States Laws. Get the picture yet? No? Ok read on....

Folks that's Copyright Infringement. Look here:

"as of the copyright act of 1978, all artwork is automatically copyrighted to its created and you may use not only the "c" but the actual wording... date don't actually even have to assert that you own it, but its safer to...the assertion, with the date, is admissible in court as evidence of ownership..... as in "see here- on august 6th we posted a pic of our logo with our copyright" Copied the other day from a friend who worked for a copyright attorney.

I gave this person 24 hours to remove it. Stated to her last night.

This does not go with the previous conversation I had with her about removing it the first time a month ago when I noticed it. She agreed and removed it.. but its back up.

So the clock is ticking...... Think it will be removed AGAIN? Think I might have to bring LL into it? Think I might have to talk to my lawyer?

We shall see.

I know I am not the only one that despises people that do this kind of thing. There are plenty of groups and blogs about this. If it isn't removed I am willing to discuss this problem openly with others to share tactics, thoughts and how to handle it when it arises.

Its time to stop rude annoying unthoughtful idiotic thieves!! Don't you agree!!

EDIT::: Picture was not removed so complaint was filed with LL. Lets see if LL can get of their ass's and take control.

Fashion Shoot... Ya right!

Ok, so I have decided to try something different with my work.

I will stick with simple white Backgrounds for most of the pictures for AB (for now) but when it goes outside of AB I will be toying around with different aspects.

Here is a sample of what I have done so far.

Skin: RockBerry
Outfit: Armidi
Hair: Fri.Day
Shoes: J's Real Toe cross belt Sandals.

Models: 4Gotten Destiny (Me) and Night Fox.

Skin: Rockberry
Shorts: League
Shirt: Luck Inc
Hair: Fri.Day

Thats not all I have been working on. The next picture I got to use someone that has been close and dear to me for 4 years now. My very own Momma. It was my second go around with trying this out and it turned out pretty well. I will soon be posting more pictures like this.

Picture Titled: Looking Back

Model: Whispers M.

I have yet to open my own gallery and offer to do pictures for others outside my circle but its slowly coming to that as I build up my work. I have the space to do it and the know how its just I am a very lazy person most the time.

I will however offer to do pictures for any AB reader/poser for free as long as you allow me to use your pictures to build up my gallery. Fair trade I think?

That's all from me till RL settles down a tad. Work has been kicking my butt sadly.

But if you would like to pose and be profiled for AB.. Send me a Note Card in game with your name as the title and some test pictures of your avie inside the NC. Along with some information about you and how long you have been in SL. I will be more then happy to set up a shoot for you and get you posted.

[paper.doll] Sale

[paper.doll] is having a huge sale. The store was packed when I went there with major lag.. but hey who isn't willing to face some lag to get a steal on hair, shoes, clothes and even skins?

Click here for SLURL!

There is one outfit I wanted to post. I am not one to wear heels. I hate them with a passion. Only will wear them when the outfit screams for them so I am all over outfits that are sexy and yet allow me to wear flats while still looking decent.

This outfit is:

BuckledUp for 10L.

The only problem I have found with this outfit is the back side of the prims for the shorts. They seem to look a bit off but I am sure with some editing it can be fixed to look perfect.

Also I am wearing a skin from [paper.doll]. The skin is awsome for the price. Was only 50L. It has good shading on the body,face and the boob area. Its a serious must have for that price!!

The hair also is from [paper.doll]. Again this was on sale for 25L. When you get it you will have to mod it but thats the norm for hair.

All in all for 80L you can put together a totally different look with clothes, skin and hair that are worth 10 times more then what you paid. Don't you just love amazing sales????

Please note: The tats, Necklace, Eyelashes, piercing and shoes are not from [paper.doll]

A serious Duo...

Models: Ziekling Bunnyhug and Pru Xingjian

Wonder why Im doing two in one post?

Well, they are a couple and when I see them to me as a photographer I see 2 pieces of a puzzle. One just doesn't fit without the other.

Ziek (Brown Hair) describes her style as J-Alternative and has been in SL for 4 years. She started in 05'.

Pru (Blonde) describes her style as "Fancy Lady" and has also been in SL for 4 years.

They are oldies when it comes to SL!

What Ziek is wearing:

Hair: Dernier Cri - Jenelle
Skin: Issigonis- Sayla
Pants: League- Garage
Shoes: Urban Bomb Unit - Lo tops
Shirt: Dutch Touch- Woolen Cardigan
Necklace: Primitive
Peircings: *Rock Candy* Emo
Tattoos: Z.Inc -Cherry Blossums

What Pru is wearing:

Hair: Dernier Cri - Raine
Pants: FukNHawt - Low Rise Hip Split UK
Shoes: Urban Bomb Unit - Lo tops
Undershirt: Dutch Touch
Shirt: COCO- Cardigan Black
Necklace: Primitive
Gloves : Plastik
Guns: Pruberry Muffins PM-9

What Ziek has to say about herself:

I'm a shopping addict, I started making money to feed my addiction first by selling pirate ships in sandboxes... back when sandbox island was a great place to be. I've done business with Unpopular Designs, and a small amount in Cameo back in the day. I've recently gotten into color tattoo making, inspired by suicide girls. My shop is called Z.Inc.
I met my SL partner a few months after joining SL and after a few long years of waiting I now live with her... and we play SL side by side. I like hanging out with her and our old friends and some new friends too, and when I'm not in the mood to build or work I'm usually taking pics, talkin smack, flickr whoring and reading blogs.

What Pru has to say:

I'm a scripter and I'm super smart, I made guns for years and my wife is writing this part for me.

Im supercute!


Model: Gunner Dawner aka Gunner Rope

Gunner is one of the craziest people you might ever meet that might be why everyone adores him so much. He has also been playing on SL 3 years this October.

When I asked him what his style is I got this:


Yep gotta <3 him!

What Gun is wearing: (Again this info is always hard to get out of guys)

Clothes: FNKY & 19 SOSAKU-KOBO
Hair: Muism
Skin: Abyss
Shoes: Tonktastic

What he would like to say about himself:

.... Ok well I couldn't post what he said so Ill say some things.....

Gunner should be locked up in a crazy house with the keys thrown away.

Other then that he really is an all around good guy. I don't think he likes to show that much nor the fact that he is smart.

Hes one of your typical males except for the fact he doesn't have a TRUE egotistical bone in his body. That might be why a lot of people get along with him.

Hes a true smart-ass and rebel to a T. He likes to pick on people.... Me included and everyone just picks right back at him. Gunner is someone people would like to have as a friend.

The Star Auntie...

Model: Rio Buridan

This is Rio she is the owner of an awsometastic shopping sim called Ganesha. She just also happens to be my only Auntie... well the only one I claim anyhow. She has been on SL since June of 06 she also describes her look as Urban/Grunge.

What she is wearing:

Shoes: InimitablyDesign
Piercings: <-PUNCTURE->
Bangles & Belly Ring: Relentless Unknown
Skin: Redgrave
Tatts: Hybrid Productions
Hair: >TRUTH<
Clothes: Apple May Designs
Earrings: Purple Rose Jewelry
Necklace: [Calypso Giano}

What Rio would like to say about herself:

What's interesting about me? Hmmm .. Well .. I'm probably one of the most blonde people you'll ever meet! In an accidental, funny way! Due to this high level of "blondeness," I never really developed any special talents in SL .. not that I can speak about in public, that is! ;) So, I decided to buy sims. After all, just like RL, it takes all of us to make our SL world function! My first sim was Rundas .. a quiet, residential sim. Most of the residents there own their land, and HAVE owned it for over 2 years now! They seem to love it there, and they SAY I'm a pretty awesome Landlord! :) The second sim was Ganesha .. a newly rebuilt EPIC commercial sim! At one point, Ganesha had over 70 shops with a waiting list! But alas, RL economy hit SL as well, and things haven't been QUITE as good since. I've lowered my prices basically in half to help with the economic crunch in order to give all the awesome creators in SL a chance to shine! We'll bring it back to speed! It's just gonna take a lilttle time! I've also owned a couple of RP sims, but they've since gone by the wayside. I'll just stick to the two I have from now on! Other than running my sims, I basically just hang out with the AWESOME friends I've met during my SL days .. some of which I also consider RL friends now, too. I know they would do anything in the world for me, as I would for them. I always like helping people out, so feel free to IM me if you have any questions or if I can help you in any way! That's just basically me .. in a nutshell! Good luck with your new blog! WOO HOO for the "Anti Barbie" stuff out there! I never liked Barbie Dolls anyway! ;)


Model: Benku Cain

Ben has been playing SL since Beta. Ya hes a serious SL oldie. He says that his style choice is Urban. Again I will this about the guys that I have profiled so far. It has been like pulling teeth getting info!

What Ben is wearing:

Hoodie- Sey
Shoes-Urban Bomb Unit
Skin-Dernier Cri
Hair-Sadistic hacker

What Ben has to say about himself:

Basicly fun loveing layed back mello for the most part love to be cool clean and pretty much what fancy's my taste