A little Greene never hurt anyone...

Model: Char Greene

Char has been in SL for 2 and 1/2 years and has described her style as Dolly Goth.

Just like I said with Pal, Chars' look describes what Anti Barbie is trying to show. You can still be sexy without looking like a plastic barbie.

What she is wearing:
Dress~Curious Kitties

What she would like to say:

SL drama...hate it...and love it... SL just wouldn't be the same without it right ???
Try avoiding being a sheeple, fiddle about with building, play and just enjoy my time on SL generally with mai hunneh. I like exploring new places and generally running about being a tool, so if I knock on your door, LET ME IN!! and gimme coffee :D

The one behind it all....

So its about time I show who I am..

I am 4Gotten Destiny within the world of Second Life. I entered this world in Dec. of 2004. I have recreated more times then you can count on one hand. I now only play on this single character though. Lets just say life is.. messy but so wonderful at the same time.

I don't have a style, hence why I run around naked some days with no care in the world.

I bet your wondering why I am trying to start another fashion blog and saying to yourself "Ugh not another one. There are way to many already". Well here's my answer to you.

I am starting this to not over run or do anything to anyone that is already running a blog. I am simply starting this to make a statement that sexy doesn't have to mean big boobs, blond hair, clean skin and no marks. Sexy is what we make it to be and how we perceive ourselves. The name "The Anti Barbie" is to not be taken in a negative view but rather in a view that you don't have to be a barbie to fit in. Be yourself. Make your Second Life... Yours. Forget the expensive trends and shop off the main road (Trust me you can find some awesome shops that way).

So now that you know a little information about me.. why don't you let us get to know you threw being profiled here at Anti Barbie. Show everyone your true likes in style. Make it crazy and make it YOU!

My Personal Fav.....

Model: Night Fox

Whoever tried to say I wasn't biased was way off about me. Night Fox holds a special place with me. Nights style is anything Night likes. No trends and no being like the group for this one.

What Night is wearing:

Hair - Effie - Deviant Kitties
Necklace - Neck Time - Relentless Unknown
Facial Piercings - Facial Piercings 4 - Relentless Unknown
Facial Tattoo - Bleach Butterfly - Relentless Unknown
Dress - Carrot - Ducknipple
Pants - Jeans 03 Clean - Ducknipple
Shoes - Pornstars Hi-Tops - Urban Bomb Unit

What the Night has to say:

When I am in SL I have many different things I enjoy doing. Spending time with my 4Gotten, building, doing photos, and spending some time with a select group of friends. I own and operate a store called Relentless Unknown. The store currently is not in SL until i find a new location, but I do have some things on slx. I also use a blog to advertise and that takes up some time as well, and can be found at http://relentlessunknown.blogspot.com/. Always am friendly and helpful, so don't be afraid to say hello.


Model: Raine Shinn

Raine is an avid shopper and has been playing SL for 11 months. When we asked what her style was she said "Hmmm..."

What she is wearing:

boots - Redgrave Girl's Biker Boots
jeans - *COCO* Loose Style Denim ( LOVE THEM!!! )
shirt - Luck Inc Naughty Top
jacket - Hermony Leather Jacket
hair - Aden Sarah
glasses - Insolence Danielle
skin - Redgrave Moon Tan

What she had to say about herself:

I'm either the nice girl pretending to be bad or the bad girl pretending to be nice. If you figure it out, you let me know.

I'm here to enjoy the possibilities of SL. I love meeting new people, taking pictures and finding new and sexy things to wear. I have some other hobbies too but you have to get to know me a little before we can talk about that.

I find a lot of different ways to spend my time but my favorite is keeping my girls happy (you know who you are!). If I can find a little time to torment sg and keep Lexie out of mischief, it's been a good day.

editing. stay tuned. I got plans!

Just what the title says..........................................

You have a choice now. Remove that picture from your profile and I don't do anything here on my blog and other blogs of people I know against you. Keep it.. and well its time to play dirty with doing option 1.

I gave you two options.. pick one!

oh ya just for shits and giggles... This part goes to the guys.. they know who they are.. Jerk it on me again and your baby gravy will be gone.. Kaposi? ROFLMAO I know where to find you two.. and I am sure Auntie would be willing to boot for laughs! :D


Model: Laina Sands

Laina has been playing Second Life for two years and says her style is eclectic.

What makes her outfit for this shot are:

Clothes: Yvette by Short & Sweet
Drip hair by Sirena
Angelina2 Skin by Redgrave
No Mercy boots by Nightwish Designs

What she would like to say about her life within Secondlife:

I'm a fussy shopper but I have more clothes than most people I know.

My favorite things about SL are my incredible friends and all the amazing, otherworldly places people have made.

I'm learning photography, and I'm married to the most wonderful person in SL.

A Mix Up

Jezabel Juliesse

Jeza has been playing Second Life since August of 08. She says her style is Sexy, Flirty or just a unique mix.

What she is wearing:
Skin: Redgrave
Shirt: Shit Luck
Shorts: Alessandra
Undertop: Shai Bikini
Hair: Gritty Kitty
Eyes: Teko.Plastik
Belly Ring: Dex's Jewelery
Boots: Kaliwulf Latex

What she had to say about herself within Secondlife:

I am a very interesting individual, I do love to build and make pretty much a lil bit of everything..from houses, shoes, belts, Photoshopping Clothes and photos..I do it all!! haha..Hangout with my buds..goin to clubs..dancing the night away :o) But do enjoy the quiet nights at home with my love. Overall I learned very quickly how to work thro this SL..I love it and Im glad I found it!

The Tormentor

Model: Lorcan Hochbaum

There is always a reason behind some titles we give people that model for us. This one right here sums Lor up. He is a tormentor, in a good sense. Lor has been tormenting Second Life for over a year.

What he is wearing:

Hair: Argrace
Shirt: **Moonshine Designs
Belt: ..:::" Hermony-Apparel ":::..
Pants: [SS] Design Main shop
Shoes: :::LiNe:::
Skin: ***Redgrave

Like always we asked him to describe himself to us:

I do stuff like... yah wudevah ya know. MCM is pretty much the only place I go in SL, for some mech fighting and sheeyah. Honestly I don't know what anyone there is ever talkin about but I like shootin stuff.

If I'm not doin any of that then I'm spending time with my hunny shoppin or cuddlin, you know the sappy stuff.

The Dark-Side

Model: Paleki Lutrova

Pal was one of my favorites to do a picture of tonight. His Avatar is so unique it describes what we strive to show here at Anti Barbie.

When we asked what made up his look this evening this is what we got:

"Crap, I don't remember, and I'm too lazy to check. Some of it was made from my friend Mistresskitty Revolution, who I totally bum free things from because she rocks and is a pretty badass builder. Also, hugs. The rest of the shit is unimportant, because I don't know or care for the creators. I gave them moneh, I don't have to advertise for them."

Some more information about Kip:

I actively seek out the hive mentality and do stupid shit to contest it. I'm different, like everyone else. I get jealous about a lot of stupid things, and I care pretty heavily what even a random stranger thinks of me...however, I still remain about as blunt as can be and arguments entertain me. I love drama, life would be horribly dull with out.

Kip Gone Wild

Model: Kipathan Quintessa

Like a typical male it was like pulling your eyes out to get detailed information out of him but we here at Anti Barbie did our best.

He is wearing:

Eyes: High Quality Oasis
Hair: Discord
Clothes: Made Men

What Kip had to say about who and what he does in Second Life:

"I love hanging out, joking, dancing, wrestling, music, singing, ummmm writting is too over rated so i wont say weritting, letsd see, i love shopping, video games."

A faint Whisper

Model: Whispers Magic

Whispers has been playing Second Life for 5 years. She has cofounded a store called "Ck Gestures".

What she is wearing:

Hair: PE Gilly: Jet Black
Skin: [PXL] Crys SunKissed DeepEyes DarkLips
Shirt: :::Sn@tch BoyBeater:::
Shorts: :::Sn@tch BoyBeater:::
Socks: :::Sn@tch BoyBeater:::
Shoes: "L&E" Traveller boots - black leather - for women

Bracelets: **Encore h** Messy Bracelets
Earrings: /artilleri/ bead hoop earrings!
Lashes: :::Sn@tch Lush Lashes:::
nails: [ PXL ] Nail Polish - Black

What she has to say about her life in Second life:

"I am co-owner of the best gesture store in town, cK gestures. I also like to raise ma chickin's! lol I hang with friends that I have had for many years and I totally love to shop. I enjoy taking pictures and blogging and dipping my hand in new things in game. To me 2L still has an interest as I experience and learn new things all the time."

Tainted Soul

Model: Tainted Soul

Tainted describes his style as "Freak" and we now can see why.

The items he is wearing are:

Hair: .::.Penumbra.::.
Smokes + Arm thingy:(0thrive)
Tattoo: Endless Pain
Belt: [BUKKA]
Pants: *Fishy Strawberry*
Boots AND skin: Redgrave

When we asked if there was anything he would like to say about himself all we got was this.
"I like SL :D its so cool :D yippie :D"

Freebie! The Poster Boy!

Here I bring you : Critter Fhang

What he is wearing is mostly freebies with the grand exception of his guns. What can I say.. Boys and their toys.

Critter has been playing Second Life for a year and describes his style as "Freebie Heaven".

Mostly what he is wearing is Freebies with the exception of some things.

Critter is our Poster Boy for Freebies!

The Anti Barbie

Welcome to the Anti Barbie.

This is not a place to bash or belittle anyone for the way they look. The title may seem negative but it is to make a point.

Beauty is not the style of "Barbie" but rather the style He/She chooses to wear. Style is an extension of who we are. So be yourself!

I will be going threw the dark tunnels of SL finding the most unique styles of people I can find and bringing them to you. With that I will be telling you what they are wearing and by who.

Tired of the barbie wanna be's? Well welcome to the other side of style. Where looking good comes in all colors and sizes!!