A Mix Up

Jezabel Juliesse

Jeza has been playing Second Life since August of 08. She says her style is Sexy, Flirty or just a unique mix.

What she is wearing:
Skin: Redgrave
Shirt: Shit Luck
Shorts: Alessandra
Undertop: Shai Bikini
Hair: Gritty Kitty
Eyes: Teko.Plastik
Belly Ring: Dex's Jewelery
Boots: Kaliwulf Latex

What she had to say about herself within Secondlife:

I am a very interesting individual, I do love to build and make pretty much a lil bit of everything..from houses, shoes, belts, Photoshopping Clothes and photos..I do it all!! haha..Hangout with my buds..goin to clubs..dancing the night away :o) But do enjoy the quiet nights at home with my love. Overall I learned very quickly how to work thro this SL..I love it and Im glad I found it!

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