The one behind it all....

So its about time I show who I am..

I am 4Gotten Destiny within the world of Second Life. I entered this world in Dec. of 2004. I have recreated more times then you can count on one hand. I now only play on this single character though. Lets just say life is.. messy but so wonderful at the same time.

I don't have a style, hence why I run around naked some days with no care in the world.

I bet your wondering why I am trying to start another fashion blog and saying to yourself "Ugh not another one. There are way to many already". Well here's my answer to you.

I am starting this to not over run or do anything to anyone that is already running a blog. I am simply starting this to make a statement that sexy doesn't have to mean big boobs, blond hair, clean skin and no marks. Sexy is what we make it to be and how we perceive ourselves. The name "The Anti Barbie" is to not be taken in a negative view but rather in a view that you don't have to be a barbie to fit in. Be yourself. Make your Second Life... Yours. Forget the expensive trends and shop off the main road (Trust me you can find some awesome shops that way).

So now that you know a little information about me.. why don't you let us get to know you threw being profiled here at Anti Barbie. Show everyone your true likes in style. Make it crazy and make it YOU!

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